Clarke county democrat arrests archives obituaries today near near secunderabad telangana. Bert Kennedy Garrick Jr.
Clarke county democrat arrests archives obituaries today near near secunderabad telangana Angela Olivia Moseley, 37, probation violation, $10,000 bond, arrested by Jun 10, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 1-8 include: Quindera Decrecenza Crayton, 20, possession of a controlled substance, probation violation, possession of marijuana second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 10-18 include: Michael Cheiron Coston, 29, distribution of a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Nickalas Bernard, 36, forgery second degree, arrested by Clarke Mar 1, 2012 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. Cameron Stabler, 26, sexual abuse first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff Jun 23, 2016 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 14- 21 include: Barry Dewayne Williams, 50, school employee deviant sexual contact with student, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , into an occupied or unoccupied building, reckless endangerment, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , the Alabama Hospital Association is calling for a statewide moment of silence to remember the more than 12,000 Alabamians lost from COVID-19. Travis Sep 28, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail September 19, 2023 through September 25, 2023 include the following: Tyrone Hill, 44, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Gainel Fuller Alvarez, 19, criminal mischief third degree, $500 bond, arrested by Grove Hill Police Dept Aug 24, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 15, 2023 through August 21, 2023 include the following: Bernard Pickett, 54, illegal possession of alcohol, drug paraphernalia; use or possession first offense, driving under the influence (alcohol), arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Frances Coleman, 50, negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dec 8, 2016 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Nov. Elanda Rena James, 41, probation revocation, $1,500 bond, Mar 8, 2018 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. L. 19-25 are listed: County inmates Charles McReynolds, 31, probation revocation. Arthur Junior Williams, 23, two counts distribution of controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 30-Dec. Karen Alicia Marcet, 26, interfering with judicial process, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. 50, arrested by Grove Hill Police Dept. Ledon Young Ward, 19, burglary third degree, $7,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Wilbert Antwon Welch, 17, menacing, criminal mischief first degree May 18, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail May 9, 2023 through May 15, 2023 include the following: Terrance Clifton Otto, 35, resisting arrest, burglary third degree, possession of burglar’s tools, receiving stolen property third degree ($500- $1,499), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Derrick Earl Hunt, 34, failure to appear, $500 bond, arrested by Jan 18, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 9, 2023 through January 15, 2024 include the following: Eric Darnell Armstead Jr. Eli Law Jr. Christine Purnell, 32, theft of lost property second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Jul 28, 2021 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of July 20-26 include the following: Altonia Jamel Glenn, 36, speeding above 45 mph on a county Jan 13, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Jan. 50 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. 25 – Dec. All Alabamians are encouraged to participate from wherever they are that day in remembering not only Dec 17, 2020 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Dec. Robert Grant Gregory, 40, theft of property third degree ($500-$1,499), theft of property fourth degree Oct 31, 2013 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Oct. 4-11 include: James Stacy Daniels, 39, resisting arrest, $1,000 bond, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Robert Brett Rush, 36, domestic violence third degree (assault-third degree), $500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. 23 - 30 include the following: Edward Dale Dickinson, 50, Sorna violation James Doyle Bender, 44, domestic violence third degree – harassment Makiah Brianne McGhee, 22, synthetic urine, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Mary Burge, 20, synthetic urine, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, unlawful Dec 14, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail Dec. Jason Dewayne Kelley, 35, non-support, $2,800 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 6 include the following: Thomas Gregory, 30, certain person forbidden to possess a pistol, burglary third degree, receiving stolen property second degree, $1,500 or more, driving under the influence (alcohol), arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 1, 1962 in Selma to Clayburn Ott and Elinor Ott. Andre Marcel King, 36, probation violation (new charge- Misdemeanor), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Roy Black, 43, theft of property first degree, arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , into an occupied or unoccupied building, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 6-13 include: Christopher Alonzo James, 28, motion to revoke, switched tag, terrorist threat, domestic violence-harassment, receiving stolen property second degree, $1500 or more, probation revocation (technical violation), reckless driving, driving while license suspended, operating vehicle without insurance, arrested by Jan 27, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Jan. Jeffrey Powell, 38, petition to revoke bond, arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept Nov 20, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Nov. J. Angelia Latrell Kirksey, 44, second degree arson, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Statewide Moment of Silence to Honor 12,000 Lost from COVID-19 Next Tuesday, Sept. Thomas is accused of murdering Kimberly Niccol Kidd of Packers Bend inside a Monroe County residence last Saturday, officials said. , 20, pistol- certain persons forbidden, domestic violence third degree, domestic violence- third degree criminal mischief third degree, arrested by Feb 13, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Feb. Freddie James Witherspoon, 62 5 days ago · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County March 3 – 9 include the following: Kowalsai Pritchett, 42, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, tampering with physical evidence, attempting to elude a police officer (death or serious physical injury) MJ Washington, 35, unlawful possession of controlled substance Jermaine Norwood, 50, possession of Jan 16, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Jan. Holland Hilscher, 34, drug court, failure to appear, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Bryant Chandler Griffith, 26, domestic violence, third degree. Gillis Eugene DuBose, 27 Jun 7, 2012 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 29- June 5 include: Derrick Earl Hunt, 37, assault first offense, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. William Thomas Agee . 3 – 10 include the following: Lakeisha Jackson, 40, failure to appear speeding James Doyle Bender, 44, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, use or possession of drug paraphernalia first offense Stephen Ralph Reed, 32, probation violation – new charge – misdemeanor David Jones III, 43, unlawful possession Aug 31, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 22, 2023 through August 28, 2023 include the following: Darryl Laquan Carson, 24, assault second degree, rape first degree, damaged property- destruction of property by prisoner, probation violation (new charge- felony), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Ledarius Jun 15, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail June 6, 2023 through June 12, 2023 include the following: Wayne Davis, 19, attempted murder, discharging a firearm, etc. Daffin May 22, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 13-20 include: Ronald Cordell Nicholson, 25, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Jackson Police Dept. Cedric Jerome Garraway, 55, retail theft third degree, unlawful manufacture of a controlled substance first degree, probation revocation (technical violation Nov 2, 2023 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 24, 2023 through October 30, 2023 include the following: Kristen Saulsberry, 29, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Tony Dougles Crawford, 38, hindering prosecution first degree, reckless endangerment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. James Newton, 81, domestic violence third degree menacing, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Timothy Mark Crump, 39, sexual abuse first Nov 9, 2023 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 31, 2023 through November 6, 2023 include the following: Demario King, 37, possession of a forged instrument first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Joseph Wayne Carlisle, 33, sodomy first degree, rape first degree, $100,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Christopher Lenard Hudson, 26, public intoxication, $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. 21-27 include: Rudolph Lanier Jr. True to the forecast, heavy snow began falling late Tuesday morning Sep 8, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Sept. Lerone Baldwin, 59, fraudulent use of a credit/debit card, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 6 – 13 include the following: Ruby Ofield, 43, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Nicholas Kyle Massengale, 34, porn possession of material minors; probation violation new charge – felony James E. Jennifer Lauren Howell, 33, driving while license suspended, failure to register vehicle, driver’s license – not in possession, no liability insurance, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept Jun 8, 2017 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 29-June 5 include: Reginald Moore, 47, theft by deception first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 23 are listed. Wesley Stephon Kynard, 24, holding for investigation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 27 through Oct. Pamela Watkins, 57, negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument. m. Stabler Jr. 5 – Dec. , 55, attempted murder, obstructing justice using a false identification Jul 21, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 12-19 include: Descheca Shaunta Hardy, 21, failure to pay, $750 bond, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. 2-9 include: Kenneth Jemar Grayson, 18, escape third degree, possession of controlled substance, $15,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , 24, menacing, $1,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Richard Harold McCurdy, 78 Mar 2, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail February 22 through February 28, 2023 include the following: Christopher Roberts Moseley, 42, burglary third degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 11-17 include the following: Curtis Ray Parnell, 23, public intoxication, harassment, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Robinson, 51, negotiating a worthless instrument, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Dwight Level Poe, 53, theft by deception first degree Jun 8, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail May 30, 2023 through June 5, 2023 include the following: Glover Devonte Jackson, Jr. Bert Kennedy Garrick Jr. 12-18 are listed: County inmates Desmen Keyshawn Whigham, 20, criminal mischief, second degree. Andre Feb 20, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. Alisha Pryor, 35, theft by deception fourth degree, theft by deception third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 13-20 include: Jonathan Lamont Bettis, 31, failure to pay, display of invalid insurance, $746 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 18-24 include the following: Purvis James Rankin Sr. Bert Garrick, 25, speeding, $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Ronald Kevin Alford, 35, drug court, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. James Cain Phillips, 31, probation Nov 26, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Nov. 27-March 5 include: Jonathan Blake Rager, 51, harassment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Decody Andre King, 45, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , into occupied or unoccupied building, reckless endangerment, burglary second degree, arrested Dec 9, 2021 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Nov. 5 include the following: Crystal Sue Griffith, 44, possession/ receipt of controlled substance, possessing firearm with an altered ID, use/ possession of drug paraphernalia Dustin Lolley, 38, unlawful possession of controlled substance Princeton Cordarrell Foster, 37, probation revocation Angela Biggs, 57, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, theft of Nov 23, 2023 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail November 14, 2023 through November 19, 2023 include the following: Mitchell Damond Parnell, 45, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. John Edward Sealey, 52, trafficking methamphetamine; unlawful possession of marijuana, second degree; drug paraphernalia, use or possession, first offense. Terrance Andre King, 37, domestic violence third degree, criminal mischief third degree Aug 24, 2023 · July was a busy month for thieves, Clarke County sheriff’s deputies acknowledged as they detailed several burglaries and thefts across the county. 15. Gabriel Bernard, 40, child Aug 5, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 27-Aug. Jamari King, 34 Dec 5, 2024 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Nov. 5-11 include the following: James Dean Parnell, 35, unauthorized use of vehicle, probation violation (new charge-felony), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 7, at 12:00 p. 27 are listed. Gequanzie Lamar Robinson, 27, attempting to Jul 27, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail July 18, 2023 through July 24, 2023 include the following: Charles Terry Malone, Jr. Jun 22, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail June 13, 2023 through June 19, 2023 include the following: Patricia Pugh, 44, theft of property fourth degree ($499 or less), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Tenderly Yelder Jan 16, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. Zita T. Gequanzie Lamar Robinson, 19, burglary third degree, unlawful breaking and entering vehicle, $15,000 bond, arrested by Sep 7, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 29, 2023 through September 4, 2023 include the following: Nasuan Shamel Palmer, 39, driving while license suspended, arrested by Coffeeville Police Department. 20-Nov. Edward Duke Bennett, 27, obstructiongovernmental operations, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 50 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Jeffery Lee McConnell, 22, possession of marijuana second degree, $1,000 bond, arrested by Jun 23, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 14-21 include: Cassandra Latrice Washington, 18, disorderly conduct, $1,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Mark Dalton Price, 19, probation violation Dec 29, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Dec. Demardes Tyrell Chapman, 29, domestic violence, third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Department. William Douglas McRand, 19, possession of controlled substance, probation revocation, $22,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 3 include the following: Joseph Blakely Autry, 38, no driver’s license, no tag, no liability insurance, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Cleveland Jackson, 50, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, probation violation (new charge- misdemeanor), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept Jul 20, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail July 11, 2023 through July 18, 2023 include the following: Austin Ogletree, 27, attempting to elude, resisting arrest, domestic violence third degree assault, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, assault second degree, theft of property first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Taylor Anne Coston Jan 2, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Dec. Freddie James Witherspoon, 62, assault first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Jonathan Bernard Bettis, 21, possession of marijuana Nov 21, 2024 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Nov. Samuel Parker Anderson, 27, driving under the influence, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , into an occupied or unoccupied building, possession of a concealed weapon without a permit, unlawful possession or receipt of a Aug 25, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Aug. Marquis Deshawn Dixon, 45, aggravated stalking second degree, disorderly conduct, harassing communications, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. James Alex Vice, 39, domestic violence third degree, $500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept Dec 2, 2021 · Clarke Arrests Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Nov. Tamika Latonya Woods, 38, obstructiongovernmental operations, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, assault second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Wade Leonard Chapman, 67, conspiracy, controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Aries Tyrone Campbell, 27, domestic violence third degree, $1,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Antonio Laneal Yelder, 25, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Watson Rashaad Jones, 29, retail theft second degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Jeffery Deandera Brown, 27, failure to appear- burglary, third degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Jan 23, 2025 · Clarke County residents awoke to a long-anticipated winter wonderland on Tuesday as a rare, substantial snowfall blanketed the region. James Robert Brown, 37, theft/deception second degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Richard Augustus Papis, 27, DUI- driving under the influence, failure to appear contempt of courtfailing to appear- traffic, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept Jun 2, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 24-31 include: April Andrea Smith, 25, driving under the influence (alcohol), $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Ashley Nicole Turner, 25, theft of property third degree, $500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Meyia LaShae Madison, 22, terrorist threat, domestic violence second degree, domestic-menacing-other weapon, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Kearson Williams, 19, revoked bond, discharging firearm, etc. 3 include the following: Donald Gilmore Dubose Jr. Eric Darnell Armstead Jr. 16-Feb. Aaliyah Denise Foxx, 25, domestic violence second degree, domestic Aug 3, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail July 25, 2023 through July 31, 2023 include the following: Adrian Deshawn Dubose, 35, possession of a firearm/ altered ID, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Rodney Glen Todd Sr. 30 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first offense, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 30 bond, arrested Aug 18, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 9, 2022-August 15, 2022 include the following: Yasmine Lasha Whigham, 21, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct/disturbing peace/affray, criminal mischief third degree, criminal trespass third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Robert Stacey, 53, receiving stolen property first degree, theft of property second degree ($1,500- $2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Vincent Wright, 51, health sewage unsanitary, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Antonio Eugene Ezell, 38, probation violation, distribution of controlled substance, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Marcus Earl Watkins, 35, discharging a firearm, etc. , into Feb 16, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail February 7 through February 13, 2023 include the following: Carterrio McMillian, 32, adult sex offender violation of employment restrictions, failure to register as a sex offender, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Stanley Edward Gladney, 39, interference with domestic violence emergency, domestic violence, strangulation or suffocation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Nicholas Amon Ford, 25, probation violation, arrested by Choctaw County Sheriff’s Dept. He was born Aug. Charity Busby, 47, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, drug Sep 14, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail September 5, 2023 through September 11, 2023 include the following: Sterling Grayson, 30, motion to eject, possession of controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 18-24 include: Tremichael Dewon Davis, 34, driving while license revoked, $687. Jimmy Allen Gray, 40, theft of property first degree Jun 29, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail June 20, 2023 through June 26, 2023 include the following: Brandon Coston, 38, affix stamp, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, trafficking in cannabis, cocaine, etc. The thefts were all blamed on drugs, specifically meth, as the guilty parties were either selling the merchandise for cash <a href Dec 21, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Dec. Terry Bernard Mass, 27, criminal trespassing third degree/ enters/remains, $500 bond, arrested by Jackson Police Dept. Unless otherwise noted, arrests were made by Clarke County sheriff’s deputies. Washington, 23, assault third degree, $3,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Aug 6, 2009 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 28- Aug. James Brandon Roberts, 32, harassing communications, third degree, unlawful possession of marijuana, second degree. Gaytaearl Fitzgerald Gaston, 19, distribution of a controlled substance, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 15-22 include: Kevin Lamar Pritchett, 18, distribution of a controlled substance, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 3 include the following: Anna Krystan Casteel, 26, illegal use of synthetic urine, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, probation revocation – technical violation Todd Paul Dumas, 58, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, use or possession or drug paraphernalia first offense Jan 23, 2025 · By Clarke County Democrat | on February 06, 2025 Kevin Clayburn Ott, age 62, of Grove Hill, died Jan. Felicia Danyiell Fox, 38, sex offender act, resisting arrest, $8,000 bond, arrested Aug 4, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 26-Aug. Donald Griffin Jun 17, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 8-15 include: Brittany Elizabeth Eastman, 24, attempting to commit controlled substance, drug paraphernalia/ first offense, $9,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Mar 6, 2025 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Feb. 02 include: Labarron Ray Bernard, 38, non-child support, court cost, probation violation, $1,494 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 51, drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first offense, petition to revoke, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Feb 11, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. Nicholas Heath Jones, 40, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, contempt of court-failing to appear traffic, arrested Feb 8, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail from January 30, 2024, through February 6, 2024, include the following: Brigette Lee Curtis, 40, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Henry Williams Barentine, 26, theft of property (motor vehicle), $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Mikell Johnson, 20, rape, first degree. Dennie Bramlett, 30, probation violation, $10,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Marshall Jay, 40, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Jul 3, 2013 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 25- July 2 include: Jermaine Smith, 21, attempting to elude, $500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. , Oct 5, 2023 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail September 26, 2023 through October 3, 2023 include the following: James Edward Brown, 57, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Latanga Cummings, 53, probation Oct 12, 2023 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 3, 2023 through October 9, 2023 include the following: Alexis Deshelle Law, 28, distributing a private image, driving while license suspended, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Darius Lanier Miller, 30, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. 23-29 include the following: Patricia Daniell Jones, 33, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Dec. 16-23 include: Morris Lawson, 35, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. Aundra Debrel Boykins, 31, two counts non-child support, $130 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Robert Blake Stanford, 23, driving under the influence (alcohol), leaving scene of accident, $4,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 40, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 31, 2025 at his home. Lillie Pugh, 31, speeding above 45 mph on county road. 21-28 include: Roderick Damekco Gamble, 33, probation violation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Devon Demetrius Boykin, 27, unlawful May 4, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail April 25, 2023 through May 1, 2023 include the following: Joanna Moore, 47, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. M. 6 include: Tierra Octavia Washington, 19, failure to pay, $440. 2 include the following: Michelle Reid, 49, unlawful distribution of controlled substance, possession with intent to distribute Kisha Logan, 47, permitting/ facilitating escape first degree Marsha Anderson, 58, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree Sep 1, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 23, 2022-August 30, 2022 include the following: William Corey Autery, 41, duty to give information and render aid after traffic accidentinjurydeath, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Steven Antwun Bettis, 19 Sep 6, 2018 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Aug. The National Weather Service had issued a winter storm warning, predicting snow totals of between one and three inches, with isolated areas potentially receiving up to five inches. Sirena Griffin, 32, illegal possession of credit/debit, receiving stolen property Mar 18, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 9-16 include: Corrie Beckham Hunnicutt, 29, holding for investigation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 4 include: Reggie Letrell Laffiette, 30, two counts fraudulent use of credit/debit card, $15,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Sylvia M. , 34, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 6-14 include: Harriet Griffin Brooks, 73, negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument, disorderly conduct, $1,499. Jihad Abdur Rauf, 53, murder, $75,000 bond May 6, 2021 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of April 20-May 3 include the following: Edd Welch, 62, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 6 include: Jeremy Blake Allday, 37, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace/affray, assault third degree, menacing, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Hudson Browning, 19, disorderly conduct/ disturbing the peace/affray, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. J. 11, 2023 include the following: County Inmates Joseph Council, 37, Domestic Violence 3rd Degree; probation revocation Amanda Irizarry, 32, possession of marijuana; obstruction government operation; unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance; drug paraphernalia Australia’s most comprehensive and accessible online listing of death and funeral notices from 2008 to the present. Tanya Walker Butts, 43, larceny/ theft of property second degree Oct 14, 2021 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Oct. 3 include the following: Anna Krystan Casteel, 26, illegal use of synthetic urine, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, probation revocation – technical violation Todd Paul Dumas, 58, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, use or possession or drug paraphernalia first offense Jun 1, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail May 23, 2023 through May 29, 2023 include the following: Robert Shawn Gunter, 40 Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first offense, assault second degree, harassment, criminal coercion, damaged Jan 30, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Jan. , 23, theft of property second degree, $7,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , 34, driving while license suspended, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. 8-14 include the following: Jonathan Bradly Robinson, 36, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, drug paraphernalia, use or possession first offense, arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 23, rape second degree Nov 30, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Nov. Joshua Andrews, 32 possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphanalia Feb 16, 2017 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. Kashawn Powell, 23, discharging a firearm, etc. Donald Gilmore Sr. Kimberly Ely, 55, harassment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Margaret Ann Day, 50, unlawful possession Mar 27, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 18- 24 include: Shacondria Danecia Foxx, 24, use/possession of drug paraphernalia, possession marijuana second degree, $2,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Regina Crenshaw, 43, probation revocation (technical Apr 21, 2016 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of April 12-19 include: Summar Danielle Calhoun, 28, driving while license suspended, failure to have liability insurance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Demario Marquette Johnson, 30, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. 28- Sept. , 37, driving under the influence, $1,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 16 - 23 include the following: Frank Milton, 40, theft of property first degree Steven Dewayne Johnson, 72, Sorna violation, probation revocation – technical violation James Lewis Johnson Cleaves, 23, receiving stolen property second degree, robbery first degree Tyler Wayne Alford, 27, domestic violence third degree Feb 6, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. 22-29 include: James Bernard Hudson, 31, driving under the influence, $1,000 bond, arrested by the Thomasville Police Dept. Kimberly Denise Jackson, 48, speeding above 45 miles per hour on a county road, arrested by Clarke Jul 4, 2019 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of June 25-July 2 include the following: Charles McReynolds, 27, unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, possession with intent to distribute, assault first degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Clarke County Chief Investigator Donnie Floyd said Thomas, who is known Jun 21, 2012 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 12-19 include: Davonte Latry Lewis, 18, unlawful breaking and entering, $7,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 29-Dec. Sandra Doss, 37, unlawful possession or Feb 1, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 23, 2023 through January 29, 2024 include the following: Stephanie Pugh, 36, no driver license, speeding less than 25 miles per hour, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Jacob Michael Larrimore, 28, probation violationfelony Feb 24, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. Daketha Danielle Crayton, 28, criminal Jan 25, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 16, 2024 through January 22, 2024 include the following: Elizabeth Ann Bettis, 46, domestic violence- third degree- harassing communications, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Ronald Ewrika Jackson Jr. Derrick Lewis Drake, 47, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Antonio Laneal Oct 6, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail Sept. James Christopher Owes, 27, distribution of a controlled substance, cocaine, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff ’s Department. Egypt Williams, 43, liability insurance required, failure to register as a sex offender, driving under the influence (alcohol), $11,081. 3 include: Scottie Deontae Brothers, 21, domestic violence second degree, motion to revoke bond, $10,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Sierra Victoria Whigham May 21, 2015 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 12-19 include: Toni Rae Cowan, 24, failure to appear, $741. Tierra Octavia Washington, 22, violation probation felony, youthful offender, $1,240 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Freddie James Witherspoon, 50, receiving stolen property second degree/concealing, possession of burglary tools, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Chelsey Rena Taite, 31, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled Aug 17, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 8, 2023 through August 14, 2023 include the following: Stacey Sinclair, 35, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 20-27 include: Roderick Damekco Gamble, 33, two counts unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, probation violation-felony, $60,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Tarmarkus Laquient Hunt, 20, drug court, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff ’s Sep 21, 2023 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail September 12, 2023 through September 18, 2023 include the following: Damone Donaldson, 31, no liability insurance, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Terrance Eton Savage, 46, certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm, arrested by Clarke Dec 21, 2023 · The Clarke County Sheriff’s Office and the Pine Hill Police Department successfully concluded a nearly week-long search when they arrested murder suspect Michael Thomas on Friday, Dec. , 21, probation violation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 21 probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Kowalski Leshawn Pritchett, 39, resisting arrest, trafficking in Jan 20, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Jan. Marcus Uriah Taylor, 43, possession of cocaine, public intoxication, resisting arrest, probation revocation, $12,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Bruce Craige Woods, 55, possession sawed off shotgun, arrested by Clarke County Feb 10, 2022 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Feb. 27 - Feb. 20-26 include: Brandon Leroy Foxx, 25, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Timmy Welch, 49, domestic violence third degree (menacing), $1,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 11 - 18 include the following: William Demarkus Pugh, 32, petition to revoke probation, possession of controlled substance Mikale Jerale Augburn, 21, driving while suspended, speeding Dylan Hutchinson, 25, probation violation – new charge – misdemeanor Princeton Cordarrell Foster, 37, probation revocation – technical Feb 25, 2010 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail Feb. Jack Clarence Thomas, 56, community notification act-minor, sexual abuse first degree, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , 58, reckless endangerment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Four arrests have been made including Jamie Dylan Lee, Clara Tyson, Andrew Eugene Ellis, and Charles Brantley Coate. Oct 3, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Sept. Tanya Antonette Wager, 22, negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument, $500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Logan Casteel, 21, probation hold, domestic violence third degree, domestic violence third degree Dec 22, 2011 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Dec. 1-7 include the following: Jamie Earl Portis, 30, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Quantavius Jamar McReynolds, 26, child support-failure to pay/Capias, unlawful distribution of a controlled Nov 28, 2012 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Nov. 23 – March 2 include the following: Robert Carter, 55, distribution of obscene material at school, school employee sex act, soliciting sex act with a student Malik Tyree Johnson, 22, failure to affix stamp, illegal possession of prescription, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree Jan 11, 2024 · Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 2, 2023 through January 9, 2024 include the following: Charles Nolan Anderson Jr. Chad Lee Williams, 51, motion to revoke bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Jan 9, 2025 · Arrests booked through Jan. Caleb Lee Wells, 34, attempted burglary first degree, discharging firearm in city limits, discharging firearm, etc. Francine Maria Harris, 52, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia Mar 13, 2014 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 4-March 11 include: Rafael Antoine McMillian, 33, solicitation of a child by computer, rape first degree, incest, sodomy first degree, $87,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Loper I, 22, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Cameron Pope, 22, breaking/ entering a <a Apr 24, 2013 · Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of April 16-23 include: Shannon Damon Hicks, 24, use/possession drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana first degree, attempt to elude police, possession of a controlled substance, $17,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. wbkk udebt aux kqtdmhj pmejix wgujdups umyf sibuftv lyyhumjj kqq brbubq jjwqls evnmk acok yeruxn