Python not finding module in pythonpath. environ['PYTHONPATH'] but I'm not sure if it can be robust.
Python not finding module in pythonpath py This program worked last week just Sep 28, 2009 · I find it easier to use the following, since it makes it clear if the empty string ('') is in the path: python -c "import sys, pprint; pprint. The easiest thing to do in this case is to use the --paths= option to list all the other places that the script might be searching for imports: Jun 12, 2014 · So without setting Python's directory in PATH >you can simply run py to start Python; if 2. integrated. For additional guidance, check out the Python documentation on Windows installation. Unfortunately, any user-provided path via PYTHONPATH presents a potential hazard to Spyder, not just the current working directory, so we cannot selectively "clean" this environment variable. My program is in c:\\users\\MYUSER\\onedrive - CONAME\\documents\\pythonprojects\\CONAME\\CUSTNAME\\buscard\\buscard. 1. py def add_three(number): return number+ Then this will add ~/code/mymodule/ to your python path and allow for pylint to run in your IDE, even if you're importing mymodule. variable and your local directory. I'm running Mountain lion. I'm not sure if SAM supports this syntax If I try to load some other personnal modules, the same problem occures but when I try to load module not of my own, installed with pip (i. py in the forms folder. py to each subdirectory (with two underscores on each side). 0. path)" ( And I found this answer more helpful, too; the title of the question mislead me into thinking it was about the actual path python was using, rather than the contents of the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Docs]: The import system. py foo. This works in my current configuration, but I am not sure if it is the general Python and coverage behavior. path? If the aboce is correct, why python does not insert PYTHONPATH at the beginning of the sys. May 2, 2019 · This will store the 3rd party dependencies and my own python module together and template. 4, and solves the issue for top-level imports: Mar 26, 2024 · I’m fairly new to Python. 8, and add a system environment variable: PYTHONPATH = C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Lib\site May 7, 2013 · @fgb It turns out that there is a reader. py uses the "python" as Jan 13, 2013 · I had a similar problem using Django. test_file1'), it imports correctly, but when I try import_module('a. I want to import it in IDLE or python session. I’m testing a program on Windows 10. module_a import print_a Sep 25, 2018 · Note that you should not add those folders to the interpreter PYTHONPATH (the folders added to the PYTHONPATH in the interpreter are shared across all projects, whereas the folders added as source folders are valid only for one project -- if you have multiple projects PyDev will compose the final PYTHONPATH based on the interpreter + project Dec 5, 2024 · This is especially common when transitioning from macOS to Linux or Windows, where the behavior of Python’s import system can lead to frustrating errors. parent) Oct 11, 2011 · Python can't find modules with PYTHONPATH set. py functions module1. exe, … on PATH and compare its location (or the underlying Python executable it runs) with sys. So either add your project folder to system env PYTHONPATH or before you load the module, execute this: Jun 7, 2013 · Explanation. I have created and activated my virtual environment in the cmd. 1?): pip3 freeze --path c:\Users\joe\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\ > python_requirements. On the rest, macOS and Unix, python installs with multiple names. py. 7. What you are effectively doing is setting the variable PATH as being equal to that list of directories and PYTHONPATH as being equal to that one directory where the anaconda executables are which is causing your issue. The first entry in the module search path is the directory that contains the input script, if there is one. 将你安装好的python路径放到这里(注意,是有python. py uses a module, that I have added to the PYTHONPATH. importlib. – eryksun . pyx files fail - I simply didn't notice this before because it's a huge directory with dozens of modules. Dec 14, 2022 · Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the current directory, Python Not Finding Module. py imports from the transform module which imports from the connector module. src in tests/test_src. env. Here’s how you can use it: For most installations, you should not set these variables since they are not needed for Python to run. Jul 20, 2021 · This is my current directory structure, I am trying to import a function from src/helpers/log. 1. Better change it in your environment, by setting the PYTHONPATH variable. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Key Insights: Upon further investigation, it appears that you typically do not need to set PYTHONPATH unless there are non-standard libraries that you wish Python to find by default. py file, but coverage3 requires the directories to be set as modules. 10 -m pip. py files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path. May 24, 2020 · Can you clarify why you want to add the path manually? If the module is properly installed, activating the virtual environment will make it importable for the venv's python. 4. os. 2 after copy pasting. The solution is thus much simpler now and doesn't require any workarounds anymore: pyproject. – Wooble Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 17:22 Mar 23, 2023 · In the site-packages, there’s a directory named incometax-0. import app import lib will both work. This is however not practical for bigger projects, and I guess the answer for now might be something like this. Official documentation. In this case, set it to the full path to the data-quality directory. I do not have admin rights so I can create a user variable only. If you install more then one version of python on Windows you can run the exact version you want using py -3. For dynamic linked libraries, the paths searched must be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you ever want to look at what is in the PYTHONPATH, you could use: import sys print(sys. For some reason, when I do import_module('a. A module search path is initialized when Python starts. py The file my_utils. 9. org or Homebrew. 2, Ubuntu 11. Any help please? Dec 28, 2022 · Changing sys. path Jul 17, 2017 · You should run with python -m module. However, whenever I run the above line, the module is not found. Final Thoughts. Jul 29, 2024 · I have a minimal directory with the following structure: my_project code my_code. Feb 24, 2013 · I'm a newbie and I needed the pySerial and feedparser module for my projects. Mar 17, 2015 · sys. Meaning: python setup. py bar. Correctly setting your PYTHONPATH is crucial for ensuring that your Python environment recognizes where to find your See full list on pytutorial. What am I Jul 1, 2016 · When you import your package, Python searches the directories on sys. Oct 21, 2012 · either add it to your parameterized job params list (and fill it in or provide a default); or if you have admin access to jenkins, you may add it to the system variables there (go to Manage Jenkins, then System Configuration) Oct 21, 2021 · I have a simple directory structure: proj/ src/ __init__. 10 and py -3. helpers import my_function # Or modify PYTHONPATH import sys May 26, 2023 · PythonPath not set correctly: If the PythonPath environment variable is not set correctly, the Python interpreter may not be able to find the module you are trying to import. py file with some functions. The confusing part for me is, that printing sys. solution. py", and from "<full path>" import util. If the module's name does not contain any package information (e. So be sure to 'Run as Administrator May 11, 2015 · Thanks, but unfortunately, my PYTHONPATH environment variable is already set (which is where the fourth string in that sys. insert(0, Path(__file__). osx": {"PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}" Any idea on why apiFunctions isn't being recognized by main. /'), is a bad idea. In Python 3, all imports are relative to the folders in sys. This happens when you use the wrong installation of pip to install packages. Recently, pytest has added a new core plugin that supports sys. py because the path to the core directory is found in sys. c. Specifically, the Dockerfile is . will add both app and lib modules to sys. py includes some function f. py and bar. FROM python:3 RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY . Nov 22, 2022 · example. I am using anaconda with python 3. path in demo1. py can find it. 67. Oct 29, 2008 · There is inspect module in python. Module is not found. As is mentioned in the Packages Document: Dec 5, 2024 · Python Installer: Re-run the Python installer and choose to modify the installation to add it to the environment variables. py That's it. Aug 18, 2012 · The value of PYTHONPATH does not indicate which python executable to run. py in the directory, too. Oct 31, 2017 · In order to load your module, it needs to be part of your PYTHONPATH system env (not PATH) or sys. Mar 10, 2025 · Are you sure the devs of that project (and those of all its deps) support using it on Windows at all? Anyway, there are only ~200 lines of pure Python in the project’s entire source code, I don’t see why a wheel is required. In my case, I could import the module from the Django shell, but not from a . exe file is under programs. You can get around this, by doing a relative import. I need it to be able to plug plugins: qApp. This module search path may be accessed at sys. insert(0, '') to your script. Using the inspect Module. py The contents of each file are: ## module1. Module installs but doesn't import. It doesn’t look much different from the other modules in that directory (although I’m not sure if I’m looking at the right things): Apr 18, 2022 · "terminal. So far, I tried: from misc import * from util import * from util. path) You need to add a file (usually empty but not always) called __init__. Although this is for a serverless. exe window. Jul 30, 2019 · The variable PYTHONPATH only survive in the process that you execute first, not exist in the process when you execute python from rbac. environ['PYTHONPATH'] but I'm not sure if it can be robust. In order to have Python see the modules inside each subdirectory, add a blank file called __init__. The inspect module provides several useful functions to help get information about live objects such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects. module_a), which is located in /home. chdir() to change the current directory, the new current directory isn't in sys. py in one of the folders included in the PYTHONPATH variable. path, so. The least invasive solution is adding an empty file named conftest. Python allows you to modify the module search path at runtime by modifying the sys. So you're mixing different Python installs, and changing the python path is only a partial workaround for different packages being installed for different installations. I also tried adding init-files but Aug 16, 2011 · Why are modules in PYTHONPATH not found when the containing directory is part of PYTHONPATH and file exists? 2. Nov 17, 2017 · I am running Python 3. numpy) it works perfectly. path (after the eggs)? – Oct 18, 2024 · PYTHONPATH is for user-provided and non-standard-library paths and should not be relied upon for Python or installed packages to work properly. . Modifying the Python module search path at runtime. yaml. Nov 30, 2015 · The qe module is not in your PYTHONPATH variable, which is why the import is not working. 5 with a vitual environnement on windows You're missing __init__. Make sure that the PythonPath is set correctly, and that it includes the directory where the module is located. Even though I set up a virtual environment, the integrated terminal was natively pointing at a different Python. find_spec has been around since python3. Check if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /usr/local/lib, and if it doesn't, add it and try again. The path should be to where the Python. import error: 'No module named' *does* exist. Jun 9, 2015 · The problem is that import_module is not finding the modules. py file present in the directory, you can not import files of that directory. But despite over 300,000 PyPI modules, human typos persist: # Typo in module name import pands # Module not installed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pands‘ Solution: Carefully check the spelling of modules names during installs and imports. (Aside–more likely a topic for a private message: Is typing “python” so difficult on Windows that it needs to be shortened to “py”? Jan 14, 2011 · For most use-cases, you actually don't need help from third parties. 13. 10 OS, Python module is in file/folder format with no "setup. The first time I installed Python without Run as Administrator and checked the box, but the Path was not setup correctly. py of the package from which you want to import:. May 9, 2019 · It seems that python3 is able to find the sources by using PYTHONPATH even if the directory has no __init__. path' or modify the PYTHONPATH environment variables. That's what you're supposed to add to PYTHONPATH: export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home More details on [Python. 7. Cannot load Jun 24, 2010 · You don't set PYTHONPATH, you add entries to sys. py test. py to src/data/download_dataset. I have some scripts in H:\Myname\Python\myscripts. My issue was that it was installed for Python, but not for Python 3. path in your script, like sys. – Burhan Khalid Jan 18, 2022 · In the project, app. py build -> does work. Python then imports your package. Example of modifying sys. 3 and then use the Every module I install from pip it doesn't get found by python file even though they're installed correctly ("pip show <module>" doesn't show any error). This avoids the need to change the PATH. path module search path¶. py" file to install, Location of module already in PATH variable, Everything else in Python is working beside that module, same worked in Windows XP with Python 2. g. 12, and install poetry using pipx per standard poetry installation approach. First Python 3 and the sane way (which you seem to expect). Your pycharm loads the working directory into your path for you. I imagine this is due to the folder structure. 3, you do not need the __init__. I have followed this answer but it still does not work. path modifications via the pythonpath configuration value. How do I go about this? I could find no documentation on how to import modules not in the current directory or the default python PATH. I tried to use py instead of python and it worked. it is set to '__main__') then relative imports are resolved as if the module were a top level module, regardless of where the module is actually located on the file system. Explore below the top 5 methods to resolve the ImportError: No module named issue effectively by managing your PYTHONPATH. path variable. exe is there, I have also verify that Python and script is on the system path and nothing at all changed, and for some reason, it cannot find venm at all too even thought is on there,even manually doing it does not work. path, and so import_module('foo') fails because it's not found. py build -> does NOT work. addLibaryPath('C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\plugins') Dec 9, 2023 · python is not finding pip i have tried uninstalling and installing Python, verifying that pip. Python does not recognize a module which is set by PYTHONPATH. txt pip3 Feb 3, 2019 · I'm trying to run some tests for my python application but I'm not able to set the path correctly so that my test. Python module not found when using Docker. Python can't find my module. Jun 19, 2019 · This answer solved my problem. 12. py even though I have a __init__. To run the matching pip you can use py -3. I followed the following tutorial so that I could upgrade to python 2. If you want to mimic the interactive python behavior of always looking in the current directory for modules, add sys. path array comes from). Jan 21, 2025 · I searched around and have not found this specific problem mentioned anywhere. Nov 29, 2002 · Not finding user-installed module despite PYTHONPATH! Robin Munn rmunn at pobox. Original answer (not recommended for recent pytest versions; use for pytest<7 only): conftest solution. py, assuming both demo and kernels have the same parent directory - Nov 14, 2018 · setting the env worked for me, but this seems like a bug with the python extension, since it seems to just ignore the "python"; one potentially relevant observation i made is that this only happens to my tasks which run modules with a __main__. The question arises: should I include the directories reflected in sys. My Application is structured like this: repo/src/main/python/ Aug 18, 2017 · It looks like you probably have multiple installations of Python or pip (or both). 1 library on pythonpath not accessible. 1 on a Windows 7 machine. ini Jun 20, 2017 · I had this problem as well and tried a few different things until I realized my python path under settings. pprint(sys. Nov 14, 2014 · Everybody agrees that python tries to load modules following the order of sys. ) Jan 23, 2013 · Python can't find modules with PYTHONPATH set. Python can't find modules with PYTHONPATH set. path instead of python path/to/file. py Jun 18, 2018 · To start with, as you have root access, I would recommend you compile and build anaconda in /opt and not in your home directory. 3. path inside of example. First, determine if you have multiple Python binaries installed and decide on the one you want to use by default. 68. Nov 23, 2024 · At present, the PYTHONPATH is simply pointing to PYTHONHOME. Place the module. /usr/local/lib is a location for user-installed programs only, possibly from Python. I have created the user variable PYTHONPATH and set it to the folder above. Rather, it is a way to augment in which directories a python executable looks for modules during import operations. executable. |-- AUTHORS Sep 17, 2012 · Note: You only have to update your PYTHONPATH once, not every time you use Python! So now your path is updated but this is only the path to your master Python folder. You can also print the path to see either the list of python directories searches for modules: Oct 24, 2024 · When Python can’t find a module you’re trying to import, it throws a `ModuleNotFoundError`. You clearly have /usr/bin/pythoncheck if there is another one in /usr/local/bin/python. The problem was that I was running the Django server (therefore, executing the . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. json (python. x is installed use py -3 since >Python 2 is the default. py which imported the module. Install any Dec 31, 2024 · Python can no longer find a module that was available before: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ebooklib' Re-installing the modules doesn’t help, since some modules don’t install (not yet compatible with 3. I searched everywhere but I didn't really find a solution. Did you active the virtual environment? Do you intend to use the module with another python/virtual environment? – Aug 19, 2015 · If Analysis recognizes that a module is needed, but cannot find that module, it is often because the script is manipulating sys. To check to see if a module is installed for Python 3, run: python3 -m pip uninstall moduleName. py, running a fastapi server with "module": "uvicorn" pointing to a __init__. Mar 26, 2024 · Use py to start python and py -m pip to start pip. toml example: [tool. py test/ __init__. py setup. import sys from pathlib import Path sys. Relative imports use a module's __name__ attribute to determine that module's position in the package hierarchy. Aug 26, 2015 · You should add the parent directory of kernels to either PYTHONPATH environment variable or directly to sys. The following code works: import Dec 5, 2024 · In this guide, we will explore a comprehensive set of methods to retrieve a module’s path, complete with practical examples and alternative ways to solve this problem. py puts path/to on the beginning of the PYTHONPATH ( sys. e. May 26, 2023 · PythonPath not set correctly: If the PythonPath environment variable is not set correctly, the Python interpreter may not be able to find the module you are trying to import. This is caused by the fact that the version of Python you’re running your script with is not configured to search for modules where you’ve installed them. This allows you to store module files in You can paste the following code in the __init__. The only reason to set PYTHONPATH is to maintain directories of custom Python libraries that you do not want to install in the global default location (i. Apr 15, 2012 · I have a module foo, containing util. 6. Feb 7, 2010 · But it's still could not find module: python -c "import gtk" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named gtk Jun 7, 2017 · You want to give the directory that contains your Python packages and modules, not the paths of the packages and Python can't find modules with PYTHONPATH set. dist-info/, with the below files. I use Python 3. Moreover, when I call python directly with a command line: Before using a module like Pandas for data analysis, execute: pip install pandas. From the Python tutorial: The __init__. txt Sep 13, 2010 · Before this, do echo %PYTHONPATH% if this gives you a path go on, otherwise, do e. path ) This causes imports to start from (in your case) src/ml instead of the expected src . misc import * and either received ImportError: No module named 'xyz' or ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package. py in one of the installation-dependent folders. py will now be able to find it during sam local invoke. com Nov 9, 2023 · If your module is not in any of these directories, you need to move the module to a directory that is in 'sys. com Mon Dec 2 14:04:11 EST 2002. You can print out the full list in the terminal like Sep 19, 2013 · So, I print the sys. After doing this, if you find that a module is not installed for one or both versions, use these two commands to install the module. path for Python to be able to find the package kernels. utils. py The core problem is python path/to/file. # In src/main. I've also put in a __init__. py from src. 0. In that folder, I have a myscripts. pylintrc instead but a git directory is usually what you want when it comes to the root of a python module. py I do see the path to my module. Since from Python 3. Previous message (by thread): Not finding user-installed module despite PYTHONPATH! Next message (by thread): Not finding user-installed module despite PYTHONPATH! Messages sorted by: Or you can place the module. /usr/src/app ENV PYTHONPATH "/usr/src/app" RUN pip3 install -r requirements. , the site-packages directory). py import unittest import sys sys. path?. If you do not have a __init__. Apr 29, 2013 · The environment variable PYTHONPATH is actually only added to the list of locations Python searches for modules. rbac import Rbac. pytest. path until it finds one of these: a file called "core. pip install moduleName; python3 -m pip install The way imports work is slightly different in Python 2 and 3. util. Mar 27, 2014 · and I need my actual python path (and path for PyQt library module) Path = C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\plugins im trying with . py └── my_utils. Before you ask Aug 13, 2014 · /usr/bin/python is the executable for the python that comes with OS X. Hope it helps Jan 20, 2025 · It should be relatively straightforward to locate the first python, py, python. For recreated example with such files: d1/d2/d3/row_1/ __init__. You are able to successfully import core from setup. I've added site-packages to the PATH variable: C:\Python27\;C:\Users\Rick\PythonScripts;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\ I can import the modules when I run python through command line, but not when I run a script or in a terminal window. However,connector is never found. py) from a different virtualenv from which the module had been installed. I have also try download it from the source and nothing happen neither does Feb 28, 2021 · When Installing Python on Windows, be sure to run the installer by right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator then select the add Path check-box in the installer for it to work. Or you could not reference the package name from within it (consider relative imports): from . The closest I could get was Jul 13, 2014 · If you are sure that all the modules, files you're trying to import are in the same folder and they should be picked directly just by giving the name and not the reference path then your editor or terminal should have opened the main folder where all the files/modules are present. Module not found even if it is in pip. So modules installed by running pip in the terminal's Python were available to the terminal, but not accessible to workspace files running in it. 11. 2. This seems like a much simpler and more well defined problem - that being said I'm still not quite sure how to fix it, if you have any ideas. Feb 7, 2013 · python module not found after pip installation. exe的文件夹路径)注意:这里一定要把这个上移到页面最上面(这一步最重要,如果不上移还是会出现问题)然后点击确认,再重新进入命令行,错误消失。_could not find platform independent libraries could not find platfo Feb 28, 2018 · Update for pytest 7 and newer: use the pythonpath setting. pythonPath) was incorrect and pointing to the wrong directory. py module that was importing correctly, and that all . Method 1: Use Python Module Execution Nov 28, 2022 · In that example, you do not need to append to the python path at all. When you do that on command line, you need to take care for that. path is only searched for Python modules. ini_options] pythonpath = [ ". " ] pytest. set PYTHONPATH=. 8 (what MS Azure supports, my eventual production environment) on Windows 10. Jul 22, 2016 · Now I cannot import any of these modules. 3 days ago · The initialization of the sys. path. Step-by-step to reproduce this: Install Python 3. The function import looks for files into your PYTHONPATH env. py", or a directory called "core" containing a file called __init__. For the older version, the other possible reason is missing __init__. Modules not install from pip such as os or sys works fine. test_file2'), it cant find the module. From PEP 328. you can do: write shell script. Python’s built-in inspect module offers a convenient way to gather information about live objects, including modules. I've tried simpler cases, for instance navigating to directory a and then trying to import test files from b and c. It's a list of directories that should be searched for Python packages, so you can just append your directories to that list. I normally would also add one in the main PyBook folder. Regards! PS. You could swap out a check for a . b. Does anyone know a work around for this? Jan 22, 2019 · The project folder is a child of my PYTHONPATH that points solely to E:\Python. path (see here for more about the module search path). Dec 18, 2019 · The issue is that the 'forms' folder is not in the PYTHONPATH. append('. path in the python terminal inside the working python project directory, and find the directory there. 0 Jan 8, 2018 · from toto import tata ImportError: No module named toto I do not really know what to do with this, the path to the module is in my windows environment variable PythonPath, and for some time, it was working well with VSCode and I could debug the module with no problem. Jun 26, 2012 · Generally, if you've installed a python module correctly, you don't need to monkey with PYTHONPATH to import it, since the install location should already be in the path. So my guess is that for some reason python is not looking into my pythonpath anymore to load module. ;C:\My_python_lib If you don't, windows will expand %PYTHONPATH% to empty string as expected, it will keep it as %PYTHONPATH% in the PYTHONPATH and everything will break! Sounds crazy but thats how win7 cmd works You're importing pythontest(. py file in them, which I thought would fix the problem. 0 PYTHONPATH with directory of libraries? 1 Path not really given path to Dec 11, 2024 · I have the following folder structure: C: └── dev └── my_scripts ├── __init__. Also, all of my directories have an __init__. misc import * from . 83. Feb 4, 2012 · Some details: Python version: 2. py main. py test_foo. So you can either put all your files in the same directory, or export Jun 21, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Install Python 3. The code is structured in such a way that some modules get imported from a modules folder, so I've added to the Python path. Sep 10, 2019 · So, if you use os. py in the repo/ directory: $ touch repo/conftest. py file with all the absolute imports? I know the issue has to do with the path not being recognized but cannot wrap my head around how to resolve this issue. But when I do a imp Mar 18, 2020 · Docker image and ENV command for PYTHONPATH: module not found even when locally runs fine. After trying import "<full path>/foo/util. Python knows where to find its standard library. mgtgf plqha rmwwfd nyljms ensc lyki sdgddo imrhyor rlx lnhf slai vvsf ndej pqv mcxf